Contribute to Dive Sight

Dive Sight relies on the community to create, update, and maintain information about dive sites. In order to do this effectively, there are some concepts that need to be understood. Each 'dive site' can be found in an 'area', which is a collection of dive sites. An area could have just one dive site in it, or it could have many. Each 'area' is found within a 'region'. Regions are necessary to give structure and context to areas. A region can have 0 to many areas and 0 to many other regions within it.


This is a typical structure:

|-> World (region)

 |-> Africa (region)

  |-> South Africa (region)

   |-> Western Cape (region)

    |-> Cape Town (region)

     |-> Simons Town (area)

      |-> A frame (dive site)

      |-> Windmill Beach (dive site)

     |-> 12 Apostles (area)

      |-> Cosy Bay (dive site)

 |-> Europe (region)

... continued ...

Adding regions, areas, and dive sites

You must be signed in in order to add a new entity. When adding a new entity, please make sure you're adding it to a logical region or area. Currently, the only way to come entities around is manually (I need to this in the database), however in the future I will add the ability for users to do this. Until then, lets try to keep it neat by doing it right the first time.