About Dive Sight

Dive Sight is a collaborative website to find dive sites, get vital information for each site, and discovering what the current conditions are at each site. It also allows users to log their dives, sharing their experience with the community.


I started Dive Sight because I had a problem. When I first started Free Diving, I didn't know where to go, and what conditions to look out for. Too many times I drove to a dive site only to find out that the visibility was terrible. I needed someone to explain to me what conditions to look for at each site, or even better, to just give me an alert whenever the visibility was good.

This got me thinking - climbers have The Crag, a website to help them share info about different climbing routes... Why don't divers have something like this? Drawing on the incredible work that the team at The Crag have done, I built Dive Sight.

Where it is currently

Currently, I'm still working out how this should all work. What features do divers need? How should it be laid out? Do divers even need a website like this? The current version of Dive Sight is version 1 - the Minimum Viable Product. I have so many ideas for things I'd like to do, but I'd also love to hear from you! If you find any bugs or things that aren't working, please also let us know! You can submit all ideas here

Get involved

Dive Sight is a community, crowd sourced knowledge sharing website. This means it relies on community members to contribute to the data on the site. You can do this by following the link below.


  • Not wanting to reinvent the wheel, I drew a lot of inspiration from The Crag. Thanks so much to them for building such a useful product.
  • Mapping is provided by Leaflet, an incredible free mapping library. Thanks for all your hard work.